Thursday 30 May 2013

Misie Antosia / Teddies for Antos

Moj drugorodny w koncu sie doczekal wlasnego haftowanego obrazka! taka ze mnie matka ze dziecko ma juz 4.5 roku a ja dopiero teraz go skonczylam...(nie bede nawet mowic kiedy zaczelam bo wstyd i hanba!)...najwyzsza pora bo jeszcze troche i kolorowe misie zamienia sie w Dark Vader'y (tak drugorodny mowi na Darth'a Vadera ;D)

My second-born has finally received the picture that I have been cross stitching for him. He's 4.5 now and it's only now that I have competed it... (I won't tell you when exactly I started making it...shame on me for taking so much time to do it!) what kind of mother am I??? LOL...anyway, if I had waited longer, pretty teddies wouldn't make such impression on him and he'd rather have me embroider Dark Vader (this is what he calls Darth Vader ;D)

zignorujcie prosze cienie odbite na szybce na zdjeciu
please ignore the reflections showing on the glass on the photo

kto tu zaglada czasem, moze pamieta ze wczesniej zrobilam podobny obrazek dla pierworodnego.
those of you who have been popping by here from time to time might remember that I have made a similar picture for my first-born before.

korzystajac z okazji zglaszam moje misie na krzyzykowe wyzwanie w Piaskownicy
I am also taking this opportunity to submit my teddies for cross stitch challenge in Piaskownica


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